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Immortal Defense Download Highly Compressed Rar


Updated: Mar 23, 2020

About This Game Immortal Defense has been widely praised for the game's storytelling and unique twist on the tower defense genre, many consider it a cult classic of the subgenre. Its story was written by novelist Jeanne Thornton, and its universe is based on the novel Raberata by Robert Bisno. This new Steam release features many improvements over the original release: Steam achievements which grant gameplay bonuses, leaderboards, improved graphics and performance, widescreen support, an improved level editor, and much more.WARNING: This game involves a lot of flashing lights and visual effects. If you have sensory issues, such as epilepsy, this game might cause more problems for you than other games. There is a way to turn the visual options down, but even with all the options turned down, it can still be quite flashy.Immortal Defense has a story-driven campaign with 100 core levels and 50 optional side-quest levels (which can be completed for bonuses that help you with the core levels). The game takes about 20 hours to complete everything in. The game comes with the soundtrack, which is by Long Dao and classical composer Walter Eres. There are also Steam Cards which were hand-painted in watercolor just for this Steam release.There are 26 types of enemies, each with its own abilities and unique interactions with one another, and 11 types of towers, each of which goes through different forms as they are upgraded, and each of which gains new abilities as the player collects achievements. These are not standard enemy types like "flying" or standard tower types like "long range and slow"--you haven't seen these before in other tower defense games. The game also comes with a level editor, with Steam Workshop support, and is pre-packaged with an extra 62 levels created by fans.Note: The game was first released on May 31, 2007, and was updated with new content in 2009, and then again significantly improved for its Steam release in August 2015. 1075eedd30 Title: Immortal DefenseGenre: Action, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Studio EresPublisher:Studio EresRelease Date: 29 May, 2007 Immortal Defense Download Highly Compressed Rar Simply put, it is a clicker + tower defense game. I have played most of the first campaign, and there are many more campaigns once you complete. Like others have said it is pretty repetitive; although, there are new unlocks every couple levels to keep it somewhat engaging. I think there is a story... Overall I picked this up because I saw a friend buy it during a sale. It is nothing special but if you can pick up discounted it is definitely worth an hour or so.. A genuinely novel take on tower defense, and with an affecting story as well. I bought it long ago, before it was on Steam, and was only too happy to buy it again now that it's here and has a few more bits of polish added. I'm pleased to see that what I thought was an obscure little game that only a few folks knew about has actually gotten a great deal of well-earned recognition.. I just can't continuing play this game.The graphics and UI design remind me games from 80-x. It hurts my eyes. Music is annoying. Sounds effetts are terrible. The sound of attack of the main unit which repeats every ~0.4s made my ears bleed.Probably there is a really good story. Probably, there are challenging levels and a nice level design. I just can't play this game anymore because this game makes me suffer. I don't recommend Immortal Defense.UPD. I gave it a second try. Anyway, It's not my type of the game because of visuals. But i appreciate involvement of the developer to players' feedback. He seems responsible developer. That's an important trait. So thumbs up!. Some of you have probably been waiting for this game to pop up. I considered about where to put it for a little while before eventually deciding to have it be at the very end. That's because, in my opinion, Immortal Defense is the best tower defense on Steam at the moment.The peaceful planet Dukis finds itself under attack by the evil Bavakh empire, a war-faring race of red, devilish aliens. Their armadas are vast, and with no notable army of their own Dukis is no match. However, they have one trick up their sleeve: Subject K, who has volunteered to be a Path Defender, a process that involves separating his soul from his body and sending it up into space. It's unclear whether K represents one of his names, or whether he's the eleventh person they've tried this with. Once up there, K gains the ability to see the Bavakh's ships as they move through Pathspace (basically hyperspace), and the power to attack and destroy them before they reach their destination.You control Subject K's essence in the form of the cursor, and bringing it next to an enemy will cause him to shoot at it automatically. You can also hold the right mouse button to charge up a bigger attack. That's all for the first two levels, but then you start getting access to Point's, this game's version of towers. All of them are some aspect of K's self - your first is Fear, for example, which shoots at enemies to reduce their defense and stun them. Simple enough, but that's about the only straightforward Point of the bunch. Courage will spray inaccurate, piercing shots which wrap around the screen; Pride starts off weak, but gains damage as it destroys enemies until it's powerful enough to one shot almost anything. Orthro is inexpensive to upgrade and deals splash damage, but only fires in the cardinal directions. The store description says you haven't seen towers like this in a game before, and that still holds up almost ten years after the game's release. All of them have some use, and in the late-game it feels like you're on the other end of a bullet hell shooter at times.Your enemies are also unique, and dangerous. Several of them buff others or mess with your Points' shots, requiring you to snipe them personally with your cursor's damage and other abilities. Some levels can be quite difficult thanks to them, but the game has a large difficulty slider; at zero things are pretty easy, while at maximum the levels show everything they're capable of. The game balance is designed to make you use the slider often, as the resources you have on hand to place points persists throughout levels. That's meant to encourage you to find more efficient ways of beating them rather than just spamming points everywhere, but if need be you can set a level lower and come back to it at another point; beating the previous level with higher resources changes the amount you start the next.Immortal Defense is split into six campaigns, each of which have fifteen stages, and tell a particular period of K's time as a Path Defender. I haven't talked about the stories each game has had in this series much, and that's because they're generally unimportant and not memorable. Immortal Defense's story, meanwhile, is shockingly good. In a lot of other games that premise would just be an excuse for the gameplay, but here it's examined quite thoroughly. Up in Pathspace, K has no-one to communicate with safe for brief messages from his home world, and other Path Defenders. All he knows is destruction, with the knowledge that if he fails, his home may very well be destroyed. What would an existence like that do to someone? Would they be able to stay true to why they came up there to begin with? It asks these questions with simple text at the beginning of each level, and does it well.In the audio-visual department, Immortal Defense also excels. While only made in Game Maker, the levels have a lot of special effects and touches to them to really emphasize how otherworldly Pathspace is; the path itself will appear to bend and stretch depending on where you move your cursor, and enemies will appear transparent until you move close. The game's soundtrack is quite varied, from heroic and uplifting to quiet and mournful, and will play randomly in levels, which is neat. Throughout levels your Points will also make commentary when they destroy enemies or get upgraded by you.With all the main levels Immortal Defense is quite a substantial game (the store says it's about twenty hours, but I think that's underestimating it quite a bit), and there are also several mini-campaigns featuring your Points which test how familiar you are with their strengths and weaknesses. Those, among many other things, unlock medals, in-game achievements that apply bonuses. Some are minor, while others, such as ones that affect Points, can give you a major advantage. I'm about finished with the game after I went back to redo levels at max difficulty, and I have about ninety hours, so it's quite a good value at ten dollars.Overall I'd say Immortal Defense is pretty close to perfect. The gameplay is enjoyable, it ties into an engaging story, it looks great despite it's age, and does a lot of unique things. I'm not sure how many people own it, but that number deserves to be much higher. Out of all the games I've talked about this month, if I had to pick one I'd recommend the most, it would be this one.. I bought it out of curiosity but it was a lot more than i had expected.. TL;DR: Immortal Defense is the one of the best, if not the best game in the tower defense genre.ID is extremely well designed, the towers (called points) are diverse such that each type fills a particular niche, and the gameplay is compelling and challenging. For example, you amass the resources you spend to build points by beating stages. When you start a stage, you can decide the difficulty at which you would like to attempt the stage. Increasing the difficulty makes the stage harder, but also increases the amount of resources you earn by completing the stage. Playing the stage at a lower difficulty is useful for advancing the story and unlocking new abilities. There is no strategic disadvantage to playing stages at a lower difficulty, as you can go back after the fact and replay those stages at a higher difficulty. Rewards that you earn will be retroactively applied to your current resources, if they are higher than your previous high score on that stage.The game has really interesting visuals, resembling some sort of psychadelic screen saver when all the effects are turned on. The soundtrack is similarly interesting. The background music is mostly a moody and dark orchestral score. The different types of points and enemies have unique sound effects when they interact. The combination of these causes particularly busy stages where you build a lot of points to sound like the product of some mad composer. The story is also compellingly weird, and there were times I found myself motivated to complete stages in order to discover more of the narrative (which trickles in bit by bit at the beginning of each stage).I don't know if Immortal Defense was a labor of love, but it definitely feels like a lot of time, thought, and effort has been spent on refining it. If you're a fan of the tower defense genre, you'll definitely enjoy Immortal Defense.. Very different than other Tower Defense games that I have played. It takes a little getting used to, but it is worth the effort of learning the game. Incredibly fun and very deep strategically. I have enjoyed it even more than Gemcraft and it is almost as good as Defender's Quest (the best tower defense game on Steam!! <grin>). This has been a joy to play and a fun turn at the genre. Just remember, check your controls on the menu, not much of a tutorial on controls to be had (but really, you shouldn't need one, just be sure to RTFM, so to speak).. Immortal Defense has become my new all-time favorite tower defense game. Why? It's totally original, got a great story (which never happens in this genre), and has a great indie game feel. I will also add that the music is fantastic, and there is a ton of replay value here. At five hours in, I think I'm probably through 15% of the content. I'm not even considering the level editor.Essentially, the core mechanic is the tried-and-true tower defense system, but there is a layer of abstraction that ties into the story line. Trust me that it plays *much* better than it looks in the trailer. Also beware that there is a learning curve to figure out how things work. After reading the detailed notes, you will find there is a bunch of stuff going on under the hood that you wouldn't expect (almost has that 'knowledge is power' thing going like in roguelikes).Pros:+Totally original take on the tower defense genre - and it's all done remarkably well+Mouse is the only thing you need+So much content that it's kind of mind boggling, plus a level editor+Story is fresh and engaging+Music is outstanding+Runs on a toaster+Part 2 is in the works!!Cons:-There is a learning curve; for the first hour I was pretty confused (and am totally still learning stuff) so I'd recommend clicking that 'confused' button in the main menu if you are scratching your headAny fan of tower defense needs this in their library.. Such an odd game, but in a good way. As a fan of tower defense games, or as this game calls it pathdefence or pathspace, this is a refreshing one. The towers or weapons have personality and say things throughout the level. Like most other tower defense games you gain points, or cache, by killing enemies and use them to place more towers or upgrade them. Probably the most important feature of this game is how you kill, or mostly slow enemies down later in the game, by shooting them with your cursor. It will shoot the enemy closest to your cursor but you can click on specific enemy once to lock on to it. Awesome visuals, great characters, dank story. A refreshing twist on tower defense that I recommend.


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