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Void Monsters: Spring City Tales Ativador Download [portable Edition]


Updated: Mar 23, 2020

About This Game Hoping to escape your destiny as a monster trainer you left the home of your famous parents to find your own way in the world. Within two years of leaving home your parents had been murdered and now you've been called back to inherit their failing farm.With the farm heavily in debt to the bank, and with a burning desire to find and kill your parents' murderer the only option is to take up the mantle of monster trainer and the destiny you tried so hard to escape.Features:A huge open world to explore.Nearly 100 unique monsters to collect, train, and evolve. Choose from 10 playable characters.A dynamic economy influenced by your choices.Break into, and steal from, any house, shop, or warehouse.A massive crafting system with hundreds of craftable items.Hundreds of quests including an immense main storyline.Multiple ways to proceed and complete the game.40 hours of scripted gameplay and the chance to play on indefinitely!A battle arena to challenge other monster trainers.Breed goats on your farm for milk, to craft battle cheeses and magical yogurts.An advanced weapon and armour socketing system.Open WorldSpring City Tales is set in The Prosperous Freehold: an area consisting of three distinct biomes. Spring City and the Marshland, the deserts of Blackroot, and the frozen wastes of Leskova. From the game's outset you can set off along your own path, exploring the world as you see fit.Collectable Monsters a shadow-world parallel to The Freehold, live the Void-Monsters. These creatures can be dangerous but are kept in check by both the Rune Temples and monster trainers. As a monster trainer you can collect runes to summon these monsters from beyond the void, train them up, and get them to fight for you! There are nearly a hundred known monsters with more being discovered every day!Dynamic EconomyIn The Freehold there are two financial powers. The Bank and The Purchasing Guild. The Bank loans money to many of the families that live their while The Purchasing Guild buys locally crafted items to export. Helping Kat, paying off loans, and supporting causes will improve the local economy, which in turn increases the payout for selling items to the Purchasing Guild. However it will also increase interest rates, making both your loans, and other Kats harder to pay off. Theft, violence, and general skuldugery will weaken the local economy, having the opposite effect!ThieveryOnce the Kat have gone to bed, out come the thieves! By crafting thief tools you can choose to break into any house, warehouse, or shop and steal from them. Sometimes this may be for a quest or perhaps you are just looking for some extra gold. So long as you stay quiet you can make a lot of extra gold, but should you make too much noise the guards will come and you could end up spending your valuable time in prison!CraftingThere are thirteen unique crafting skills each with their own levelling system. Craft yogurts, cheeses, armours, bows, axes, weapon components, tonics, potions, thief tools, fairy eggs, magical gems, glass items, oils, and more! Grow crops and forage monsters for ingredients. Become an expert in a single field and make thousands of gold!QuestingAs the child of famous monster trainers your return has excited many people. Each morning you will get a visit from the postman bringing quests of all sorts: everything from the mundane worries of local Kat, monster hunts, thievery requests, begging letters, and quests so fantastical they will take you into strange and magical realms. There is also the matter of finding you parents' killer and avenging their death! Of course, all quests are non compulsory! 7aa9394dea Title: Void Monsters: Spring City TalesGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:Mykel FlynnPublisher:Mykel FlynnRelease Date: 6 Mar, 2018 Void Monsters: Spring City Tales Ativador Download [portable Edition] void monsters spring city tales. void monsters spring city tales guide. void monsters spring city tales guide. void monsters spring city tales steam. void monsters spring city tales review. void monsters spring city tales walkthrough. void monsters spring city tales walkthrough. void monsters spring city tales wiki. void monsters spring city tales. void monsters spring city tales review. void monsters spring city tales wiki. void monsters spring city tales steam. void monsters spring city tales cheats. void monsters spring city tales cheats Okay, I have to say this is one of the most fun games I've played for 5 dollars EVER.I literally have 9 hours and some change on it, all from today.I couldn't put it down!As others mentioned it's like Stardew Valley and Pokemon.You have to find these runes to summon eggs which turn into monsters you can put in your party, You start out able to have two others and your hero. Then you get up to three others to make yourself a four person party.I feel like I've hardly scratched the surface of this game and I've been playing it for 9 hours.I do wish they had all the different crafting areas in your farm, because you can find a ring to teleport you back there from anywhere and then you have to run across town to find an alchemist. But that's a small complaint really.If you like Stardew Valley and old school RPG type games where you pick attack, magic, items or defend, similiar to old school Final Fantasy, this is a bargain!. Game is fun for what it is. I recommend if you like pokemon type games.. I picked this up on sale for $1.70, because the plot seemed intriguing and the price was low enough that it seemed worth the risk. Unfortunately, I ended up with a game so frustrating to try to operate that I gave up after 25 minutes. For some reason, the game is very, very laggy on my Linux desktop, and the controls are clunky as all get-out. Minor things like trying to scroll through my quest log to remind myself what I was supposed to do were extraordinarily difficult. Speech bubbles always appeared with no text in them, and I'd have to click a second time to see any words. Trying to pick up items had the feel of trying to get a stuffed toy out of a coin-operated claw machine.Even aside from the clunkiness, I found the game itself rather confusing, too. Explanations did pop up as I had my character try to interact with things, but I must've completely missed something with the combat, because I could not manage to get through a single battle without my monster getting killed off. On the other hand, I'd managed to trigger so many explanation dialogs about crafting that it overwhelmed me.There seems to be a lot of stuff in this game that I didn't really get to, so I wouldn't say that it's totally without merit. Clearly a lot of work went into the game, However, the severe performance issues made me unwilling to get past that early-game "argh I don't know where to go or how to do anything" hurdle. It also concerns me that after eight updates in the first month after release, this game has seen no updates (or even communication) since April… this suggests that the developers have already walked away. Maybe they'll be back, I don't know, but as it is I cannot recommend this game, even for $1.70.. The art style is beautiful and the story is cute, But the game was slow and glitchy. I requested a refund soon after. If you have a better pc you might like it.. Graphics freeze constantly on my machine. Game continues working but nothing changes on screen so it's unplayable. Got an hour and a bit on my initial playing of the game and no more then 10 minute stretches after that.. Very fun game. Just make sure you pay attention to the quest some things can be hard to find.Oh and hold Shift to run took me 3 hours to figure that out -_- but Other then that im addicted!. In all honesty- have no clue if I bought the game or got it for free. Either way this game IS WORTH A PLAY! 5 hours in and I was hooked after 30 min. Enjoying the RTS against other monsters. You are able to raise the difficulty of the game yourself up to 145% I believe is the hightest I saw?! Also just the character game play a reminder of the old school FF. I'm enjoying the game - default level of difficulty is at 90% (found the level stuff after ward) The story is cool, you have the option of choosing to begin with 6 different monster trainers; each with their own strengths- the one I choose makes cheese really well and had studied this apparently while she was away from her parents. There is also a level of strategy; you have chests to break open as a thief, houses to break into (began reminding me of Skyrim in a sense with this) The music is amazing! Well fit to the game, the changes in pitch and tone are sooting and don't get in the way of concentration or become annoying. Usually I turn off the music in games but this one was left on and will stay on. Different types of stories and lots of quests and errands to run in order to help raise money to pay off your parents debt to the farm you inhereited - as side quests you're also helping your neighbors in other cities and such to help pay off their debt as well. Random run ins with monsters you have to defeat; you do have your own pet to help you out and you are able to gain more pets to help you so long as you have the runes to summon them. They are slightly randomized in a way for ex: i'm a level 1 but while attempting to run a few errands I run into a Level 4 - I'm screwed. However you always return home; there is no death it's a respawn just in your own bed. I don't have many cons about this game in fact there is truly only one - I love the fact that you have the map with you at all times once after you have found it. However, would be wonderful if on the map it showed where you are as a different color pin. I haven't tried the other difficulty settings as of yet; but do wonder if on EZ mode will your pin show up on the map as a point the you can then use to find your direction? Either way this is such a small concern compared to the game itself. Well done! Congratulations!. It's kind of a weird game, but there is a huge amount of content. Lots of quests, a night and day system, complex farming and crafting, monsters, pretty weather effects, hundreds of houses. Most of the characters are felines. .. so that's fine. The only issues I have with it is that it lags a lot sometimes, and I'm really only using a few abilities every battle (double attack and heal). But the amount of detail is pretty incredible for an rpg maker game.. Imagine Nino Kuni meets Stardew Valley. This game is a true single-player RPG and has a lot of subtle depth to it.I am nowhere near beating the game, but the story does get good an hour or two in. There are a lot of subsystems (various types of crafting). Acquiring new void monsters is a bit tricky as a new player, but once you catch on you'll quickly find a party configuration that works for you.Tips for newcomers:1. Although it's very open world, treat the first day of gameplay as if it were linear. Go do the starter quests ASAP. It helps.2. Explore the caves, go through portals, visit both the Spring City and Blackroot Rune Temples. You want a party size of four, it makes leveling much easier.3. If you can mod Group Slap onto a piece of gear early game, do so. It makes large groups of enemies manageable.4. Sand Leaf. You want Sand Leaf. When you visit the Den, you can use it to make lockpicks, which is necessary for many thievery\/bulgulary missions early game. Also, stealing from the bank is fun.5. Don't be shy about using recovery points. They respawn at 6 AM every day.Gameplay: 9\/10 -- My only complaint is an apparent glitch: There are a few chests that I, inexplicably, cannot open. Either they don't do anything when I approach them, or they insist I need a lockpick (when I have 10 of the correct type in my inventory). Graphics: 10\/10 -- It looks and feels like an RPG Maker game, but I like that aesthetic. Your mileage may vary.Music\/SFX: 9\/10 -- There isn't a lot of variety, but what's present definitely fits the mood for the story.Storyline: ?\/10 -- I'll update this when I get further along in the story. It starts out pretty basic ("get revenge for your dead parents") but you can navigate this premise. Without spoiling much, you get some choice in how you go about solving problems based on the quests you've completed, so the main quest isn't strictly linear.Overall: 9\/10 (tentatively) -- If you like single-player 2D RPGs, this is the game you've been waiting to play.. This is the sum of all fears. Someone let furries make a video game. This is a terrible retro JRPG with bad furry art. It's even worse than it sounds. This game gave me cancer and now I'm out of a gaming PC because I had to incinerate the one I was using just to make sure this game was properly eliminated. There's simply no language on earth expressive enough to describe how important it is that nobody should play this game ever. Update 1.0.5: Fixes: - A bug that stopped some people walking over cobwebs in the Ancient Temple - Some spelling errors. - Code improvements to lessen 'postman' lag - Ion Silium can no longer crash the game during conversation.. Beta46 Update: Additions:- Map vendor added to Blackroot.- Maps of Spring City, Blackroot, Leskova, and the Swamp.Changes:- Outside wanderers made passable for ease of map traversing.Fixes:- Tent 23 Blackroot can now be accessed properly.- Leskova residents now sleep at the correct time.- Lighting on 'The Path' fixed to reduce CPU usage.. Update 1.0.8 (New Evolutions): Additions:Four new battles, scattered throughout the world. Each battle drops a new evolution item. These evolutions are of a new class, 'Dökkálfar' are are a sneak peek into the upcoming 'Jester of Darkwatch Wood' expansion which will take place after the main quest and involve 2 new classes, new monsters, a new area to explore, and a cool new story-line. More on that to follow in the next few weeks. For now, enjoy the new monsters, if you can find and defeat them.Fixes:A few small grammatical errors.House 11 won't permalock after the last battle.. Update 1.0.4: Changes: - Arena combatants now wait for two hours instead of one, allowing more time to get to the battle. - More seed variations added to the 'Fungi Caves' and 'Leskova Forest'Fixes: - The arena no longer glitches when using rings to teleport away. - Fairy seeds now grow correctly. - The 'Ancient Temple' now spawns enemies correctly.. Update 1.0.7: Additions:-Igloos are now numbered.Fixes:-The daily quest turnin bug has been fixed. This will no longer be an issue on new saves but for people already with the problem there is a fix. See the below thread. pocketwatch will now never speed up time to x15. Linux Version Added: I've finally managed to create and upload a Linux package for those asking. I've not had a huge amount of time to test it so please let me know if you find something odd and I'll do my best to get it fixed asap!Beth (a fellow Ubuntu warrior). Update 1.0.6: Additions:- A Kat added to the the Leskova Den which sells a special MageGem.FIxes:- It is now possible to leave the Blackroot Warehouse District properly.- Leskova Rune Temple now spawns monsters correctly.. Beta47 Update: Additions: - 'Void Repellent Cheese' added through crafting and in The Dairy. Repels random monster attacks by 50% for 100 steps.Bug Fixes: - It is no longer possible to get 'stuck' in The Void. - Crafting multiple lockpicks no longer causes crashed. - Assassination quests are now delivered correctly.. Fantasy Hero Manager - Launched Today!: THE PREMISE


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